Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Haven't Done Much Recently

Over the last few days I've been sewing a couple purses - one for my sister-in-law and one for my friend, Emily. I'm not even 50% done, but it sure seems like I've been working on them forever! Hopefully by the end of this week they will be finished. Especially since Emily's is a birthday present and her birthday was over a week ago!

I have also been slowly working on the Cranes for Kids project. Each crane takes me about 10 minutes, so I've spent about 10 hours making 60 cranes. This picture only has 50, but I made 10 more today.

My goal is 150 cranes by April 25th (the deadline). Hopefully, I get there!

The other night, Dan and I made a unique homemade pizza. It had ricotta cheese, ground beef, onion, olives, mushrooms, as well as the typical tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. I guess it's not that unique, but I've never had ricotta or ground beef on red-sauced pizza before, so it was a new experience. Yum!

Nothing too exciting has been happening. I have been to the chiropractor 4 times in the past week and I have 2 more appointments before Friday.

We went to the Midwife today and she said everything was looking great! She also said that at my last appointment and this appointment I was measuring 1.5 weeks ahead. Who knows what that means, since it's not that accurate of a measurement anyway, but it did give me a little bit of hope that we'll be meeting our daughter sooner rather than later. She also said she's in the head-down position - YAY!

Oh, and funny story about our appointment - my maternity pants have been digging into my skin when I sit down lately, so I unbuttoned them when we got into the exam room. The midwife saw this and said, "I think it's time for you to get some new pants, people are about to be able to see your cookies in these!" ... Cookies?!?!

Here's my 33 week bump. I'll be 34 weeks this Thursday.

And on another note... Dan is turning 25 next week. We're having a party this Saturday night for family. I'd give you more details, but in the (unlikely, but still possible) event that he actually reads this blog, I wouldn't want to spoil anything. I'll post pictures after the party.

Until I finish the purses or come up with something clever to say,

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