Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Work Week Wednesday - Rainbow Blocks in Progress

This past week I picked up some awesome solid colored fabrics in the shade of a rainbow. I'm going to be making Autumn some stuffed toys out of them. So far, I've only cut out the fabric for one block and sewed a few strips together for the other.

One block will have the full rainbow on each side. The other block will have one color per side with crinkly material underneath the fabric and ribbon sticking out of the sides.

Here's the long stripes that I've half sewn together in a Rainbow pattern and will be finishing the sewing and cutting them into squares to sew them into a block.

Sorry it's so dark.

I hope that I can finish these by next week and I'll post a tutorial on how to make the solid squares with the ribbon and crinkles.

Until tomorrow,

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Talent Search Tuesday: Nothing Caught My Attention

Well, I went through a lot of my usual blog reads and nothing really stood out besides this "sweet" pillow from The Purl Bee.

Crochet + Cross Stitching + Fun Phrase + Cute Story = Awesome pillow. 
Until tomorrow,

Monday, July 25, 2011

Milestone Monday: Weigh in 1

Amount Lost or Gained: +1 pound

Well... Last week was what I would like to refer to as a semi-failure. And yes, I actually ended up gaining a pound... oops.

What were my obstacles last week?

I am really good at eating a healthy and appropriately sized breakfast, morning snack, and lunch. But by the time dinner rolled around every day last week I was so hungry! I kept thinking we were going to eat at 6:30 so I wouldn't eat an afternoon snack and pretty much every day we ate around 8 o'clock. And since I was so hungry at that point, I ended up eating way more calories than I needed to. Also, I was unable to exercise last week at all due to my neck and shoulder debacle.

What are my goals for this week?

Balance my calories more efficiently in the afternoon so that I'm not starving and over eating for dinner.

Any random thoughts on weight loss last week? 

I have the most ridiculous trains of thought of everyone I know. Seriously, I can go from one thought to the next without any kind of obvious connection. So last week I was randomly contemplating the decisions of drug addicts and just couldn't wrap my head around why anyone would want to do drugs. What's the point of slowly killing yourself? Then I realized I could easily draw a parallel to that with being obese (which, I sadly fall into that category). I realized that being overweight is harmful and damaging and I am slowly killing myself by letting my addiction to food and my lack of self discipline control my body and decisions.

What's this weeks mantra?

Accept that it's going to be hard.

Any changes to the plan? 

Well, I realized I'm not going to be able to lose 80 pounds while breastfeeding since my boobs are ginormous (wait... that's an actual word?!?!) and easily 10 pounds heavier than they were when I was at my fittest. So, my new goal is 70 pounds until I'm done breastfeeding.

Dan and I decided that when I hit the half way point I get to get a massage (suweeeeeet!). When I've reached my goal of 70 pounds I am going to get a new hairdo (I'm thinking a long and loose perm), a new dress, and Dan's going to take me out on an awesome date.

How about those incentives to get my butt in gear, huh?!

Here are my pictures from this week. I can't wait until they get to be a little more flattering!!

Until tomorrow,

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday: Part 4 of Autumn's Birth Story - Looking Back

It's been nearly 2 months since Autumn was born and the memory of the moment we met is still very vivid in my mind. I remember barely being able to open my eyes to see her coming out. I remember her first cry, the look on Dan's face, the announcement of her weight. I remember holding her for the first time and remarking on how beautiful she was. I always thought it was gross to kiss a newborn baby since they're so dirty when they come out, but I remember the first kiss I placed on her forehead without any hesitation. All of those moments are so clear.

When I try to remember how contractions felt, my exhaustion, and my severe discomfort in the days following her birth, it's as if they've been drowned out completely. I can remember the events, but not the pain associated with them. Whereas, with all of my "good" memories, I can remember that unique amount of joy so well. Sometimes thinking about it still makes me cry (like right now, lol).

After people had read my birth and recovery stories, I received a lot of comments saying, "I'm never having babies!" This was definitely not the response I was hoping for! I truly wanted my birth story to encourage, not discourage! Since I've reread what I wrote, I can understand why people would respond that way.

I think that most moms (hopefully some, at least!) would agree that reading birth stories after you've had a baby is completely different from reading them before you've had one. In my own experience, reading difficult birth stories when I was pregnant was semi-upsetting. I didn't want to believe that it could be so hard and I certainly didn't want to face up to the reality that it was going to be painful if I wanted to do it without medication. Not to mention that there is a huge fear of childbirth already so rampant in our society. From the time we are little our moms guilt trip us with, "I was in labor for X amount of hours with you, young lady!" Etc. Why are children punished for their parents labor experience? [Note to self: never punish Autumn for what I went through.] It makes labor frightening before we ever even know what labor is! Then there's those awesome TV shows that only show the most dramatic births and every person in world telling you that you're crazy if you don't want to have drugs (including men, who have no idea what they're talking about) and what a horrible experience it is. Man, we really are set up to be horrified of it from such a young age. It's so sad! [Second note to self: Encourage Autumn about the beauty of the birth experience].

Now that Autumn is here and I've been through the whole experience, I look at birth stories in a whole new way. I am encouraged by every woman's strength. I am in awe of their ability to push past pain and exhaustion. And every time I read a new story I am reminded of my own and how much I love my daughter and how I would go through it all again and more just for her.

The other day I got a unique perspective on telling birth stories to women who are pregnant. You might remember my post, what to avoid saying to pregnant strangers. Number 4 basically stated, "never share your birth horror stories." Clearly I've broken that rule. However, even though some of you might think differently, I don't view what I went through as being a "horror story". This unique perspective I was given was this: Moms don't tell their birth stories to frighten women out of having babies or increase a pregnant woman's anxiety. Moms tell their birth stories to say, 'hey, I've been there, done that. I've survived, and I've got a whole new wonderful life to show for it."

And that's what I want to say to you all. I've gone through the roughest few days I have ever had to go through in my life and I can't even remember any of the pain! All I remember is the joy and love, Dan's amazing support and Autumn's sweet face. Nothing compares to what comes after the hard work. I don't think of my birth story as horrifying. I think of it as the most amazing life changing event that brought Dan and I closer than ever and a beautiful new girl into our lives. I wouldn't change any second of it.

So, for all the pregnant women who read this: Remember that each experience is unique, just as each life is unique. I hope that you can look past your fear of the unknown and remember what comes next. I hope you choose to share your own stories of love and empowerment once your little new life has arrived!

For all the non-pregnant women who read this: By the time you are ready to try for a baby, every fear of childbirth will disappear as you look forward to the possibility of creating a new life. But, somewhere around 20 weeks into your pregnancy (it could happen at any time really, or not at all. That's just when it happened for me), you'll probably start to freak out about the reality that somehow or another that baby has to come out of you. Relax, breathe, and remember. Billions of women have been there, done that, and lived to tell their own unique and wonderful story. Get excited about your own!

And for every mom who reads this: You rock. :)

Thus concludes Autumn's birth story.

Until next time,

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Dress for My Girl

I've been awesomely busy yesterday and today with doing nothing. Why? Because something happened to my back/neck and I woke up Tuesday morning unable to turn my head in either direction. After 2 trips to the chiropractor, lots of ice therapy, and a whole lot of doing nothing, I can finally move my head side to side without feeling like it's going to snap off! Yay for progress!

I made this dress for Autumn, thinking it would fit her now, but it's huge! Apparently the sizing is totally off on the back of the patterns because seriously, it pretty much swallowed her whole. Here's a picture without her in it, obviously. I'll be sure to take another one when she fits. :)

It still needs a button on the back and some bloomers. It was a pretty quick project, thank goodness. I have decided, though, that I probably won't sew her any more clothes until she's a little bigger and stays in the same size for longer than a couple weeks. 
And just for fun, here's a picture of her chillin' in her swing. :) 

Part 4 of my birth story tomorrow.

Until then,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Talent Search Tuesdays: Quilted Things

Dan hates the word "thing". Let me rephrase that. Dan hates when I say the word "thing" 3 times in a sentence to describe the object I want and its location. For example, "Hey babe, can you bring me that thing over there by the thing. It's the green thing." It's true. I do this all the time. But sometimes using the word "thing" is appropriate, like in the title of today's post.

I'm posting links to some great quilted "things". Please enjoy the posts and I hope you appreciate that I am able to use the word "things" correctly. lol. Dan might just gasp when he reads this!

 Adorable, right? Not a full sized blanket. Just something for her friend's soon-to-be baby to carry around for comfort. How sweet. :)

And they're ruffly! Fun!

Simplify's Farmer's Wifes Quilt Blocks

I'd post a picture, but I can't figure out how to, since they're all linked to flikr. When you visit her site, notice her awesome fabric choices. LOVE! :)


Come on back tomorrow for Work Week Wednesday... and I've actually completed things in the past couple of weeks! Yes... you should be shocked. :)

Until then,

Monday, July 18, 2011

No longer "Menu Mondays"

I'm a list maker. An obsessive list maker to be precise. Every time I tell Dan we need to make a list, he rolls his eyes and says, "seriously, we really don't." But I really do. I have to know exactly what to buy at the grocery store. I have to know exactly what chores need to be done. I can't just write "clean" on a piece of paper and be satisfied. It has to include each and every chore. I even split up laundry, i.e. "wash laundry, dry laundry, fold laundry, put laundry away." No joke.

So, as I was making a list of my daily, thrice weekly, and once weekly to-dos, I realized I was way over booked. (Seriously, here's a shout out to single moms who work and take care of their babies... it's seemingly impossible!).

So, to prove to you that I have too much to do, I've typed out my lists for you:

[Disclaimer -- Dan has been doing most of the cleaning for the past 9 months during my pregnancy and of course the first 6 weeks of Autumn's life. But, he's gone back to work now and it's time to start taking over.]

Take Care of Autumn (This really takes up about 12 hours everyday. Well, maybe 10 if she takes a nice nap)
Blog (This typically happens during one of her nursing sessions)
Pick Up Around the House (Thank goodness she likes her swing)
Sew or Craft (This is for my own sanity and obviously a choice, but one that I find completely necessary)
EXERCISE (New to the list since Autumn was born. And... the new topic of Mondays' blog posts)

Thrice Weekly:
Bathe Autumn
Laundry (yes, this includes everything I listed in that first paragraph)
Take out the Trash

Once Weekly:
Grocery Shop
Clean Toilet
Clean Shower
Clean Vanities

I used to have "cook" and "clean kitchen" on this list of to-dos, but clearly I've got too much going on. So, I've handed that responsibility over to Dan. Well, he's pretty much always had that responsibility, but we've considered having me take over and we finally decided that was just not a great idea. So, needless to say, I won't be doing Menu Mondays anymore. Instead I'll be doing...

Milestone Mondays!!

What is Milestone Monday, you ask?? Well, let's just say that I've got about 80 pounds of fat (Yes... 80!!!!) that I'd like to (and NEED to) shed. And after not exercising at all for the past 11 months, I've just started getting back into it. So, every Monday, I'll post on the past week's progress and put up a couple pictures. I hoping that in about 40 weeks I will have reached my goal (2 pounds lost per week) and that I can compile a slide show of all of the pictures to show exactly what it looks like to lose 80 pounds.

Occasionally I'll still post a recipe, if we've eaten something that I really liked that week. Maybe I'll even post some calorie saving tips.

So, here are the pictures for the start of this journey. Please note the pregnancy pouch I've still got going on. lol.

Hopefully next weeks pictures will look slightly better. :)