I'm a list maker. An obsessive list maker to be precise. Every time I tell Dan we need to make a list, he rolls his eyes and says, "seriously, we really don't." But I really do. I have to know exactly what to buy at the grocery store. I have to know exactly what chores need to be done. I can't just write "clean" on a piece of paper and be satisfied. It has to include each and every chore. I even split up laundry, i.e. "wash laundry, dry laundry, fold laundry, put laundry away." No joke.
So, as I was making a list of my daily, thrice weekly, and once weekly to-dos, I realized I was way over booked. (Seriously, here's a shout out to single moms who work and take care of their babies... it's seemingly impossible!).
So, to prove to you that I have too much to do, I've typed out my lists for you:
[Disclaimer -- Dan has been doing most of the cleaning for the past 9 months during my pregnancy and of course the first 6 weeks of Autumn's life. But, he's gone back to work now and it's time to start taking over.]
Take Care of Autumn (This really takes up about 12 hours everyday. Well, maybe 10 if she takes a nice nap)
Blog (This typically happens during one of her nursing sessions)
Pick Up Around the House (Thank goodness she likes her swing)
Sew or Craft (This is for my own sanity and obviously a choice, but one that I find completely necessary)
EXERCISE (New to the list since Autumn was born. And... the new topic of Mondays' blog posts)
Thrice Weekly:
Bathe Autumn
Laundry (yes, this includes everything I listed in that first paragraph)
Take out the Trash
Once Weekly:
Grocery Shop
Clean Toilet
Clean Shower
Clean Vanities
I used to have "cook" and "clean kitchen" on this list of to-dos, but clearly I've got too much going on. So, I've handed that responsibility over to Dan. Well, he's pretty much always had that responsibility, but we've considered having me take over and we finally decided that was just not a great idea. So, needless to say, I won't be doing Menu Mondays anymore. Instead I'll be doing...
Milestone Mondays!!
What is Milestone Monday, you ask?? Well, let's just say that I've got about 80 pounds of fat (Yes... 80!!!!) that I'd like to (and NEED to) shed. And after not exercising at all for the past 11 months, I've just started getting back into it. So, every Monday, I'll post on the past week's progress and put up a couple pictures. I hoping that in about 40 weeks I will have reached my goal (2 pounds lost per week) and that I can compile a slide show of all of the pictures to show exactly what it looks like to lose 80 pounds.
Occasionally I'll still post a recipe, if we've eaten something that I really liked that week. Maybe I'll even post some calorie saving tips.
So, here are the pictures for the start of this journey. Please note the pregnancy pouch I've still got going on. lol.
Hopefully next weeks pictures will look slightly better. :)
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