Monday, July 25, 2011

Milestone Monday: Weigh in 1

Amount Lost or Gained: +1 pound

Well... Last week was what I would like to refer to as a semi-failure. And yes, I actually ended up gaining a pound... oops.

What were my obstacles last week?

I am really good at eating a healthy and appropriately sized breakfast, morning snack, and lunch. But by the time dinner rolled around every day last week I was so hungry! I kept thinking we were going to eat at 6:30 so I wouldn't eat an afternoon snack and pretty much every day we ate around 8 o'clock. And since I was so hungry at that point, I ended up eating way more calories than I needed to. Also, I was unable to exercise last week at all due to my neck and shoulder debacle.

What are my goals for this week?

Balance my calories more efficiently in the afternoon so that I'm not starving and over eating for dinner.

Any random thoughts on weight loss last week? 

I have the most ridiculous trains of thought of everyone I know. Seriously, I can go from one thought to the next without any kind of obvious connection. So last week I was randomly contemplating the decisions of drug addicts and just couldn't wrap my head around why anyone would want to do drugs. What's the point of slowly killing yourself? Then I realized I could easily draw a parallel to that with being obese (which, I sadly fall into that category). I realized that being overweight is harmful and damaging and I am slowly killing myself by letting my addiction to food and my lack of self discipline control my body and decisions.

What's this weeks mantra?

Accept that it's going to be hard.

Any changes to the plan? 

Well, I realized I'm not going to be able to lose 80 pounds while breastfeeding since my boobs are ginormous (wait... that's an actual word?!?!) and easily 10 pounds heavier than they were when I was at my fittest. So, my new goal is 70 pounds until I'm done breastfeeding.

Dan and I decided that when I hit the half way point I get to get a massage (suweeeeeet!). When I've reached my goal of 70 pounds I am going to get a new hairdo (I'm thinking a long and loose perm), a new dress, and Dan's going to take me out on an awesome date.

How about those incentives to get my butt in gear, huh?!

Here are my pictures from this week. I can't wait until they get to be a little more flattering!!

Until tomorrow,


  1. Don't kick yourself over a pound! I weighed myself last night before bedtime and less than 12 hours later after I had eaten breakfast I weighed myself out of curiosity... I was 2.5 less than the night before when it had been hours since I had eaten!! It's normal for weight to fluctuate up to 3 lbs during the day from what I've read. I'd consider a one pound "gain" to not really be a gain. Of course that comes from the person who was nearly in tears one morning when she saw she was up a pound!

  2. Hahaha. I know a pound isn't too bad, but when I lost weight before my wedding I lost like 20 pounds in 3 weeks. Of course, I can't really go as extreme with my calorie decrease right now since I'm breastfeeding. Probably better to lose it slower than that anyway... especially since that weight that I lost came back and more.

    Funny that you said that about almost crying over one pound because I just read that post of yours!

  3. Yes, well I hadn't lost anything yet and I kept finding myself going up a lb.. never down anything... or I'd lose 4lbs in one day, Wiifit would tell me it was concerned about me and by the next day I'd be up 5 lbs... I must just dehydrate easy or something! After last week though I've been doing some serious calorie cutting above all else.. just tracking what goes into my mouth.. not carbs, not fat, not salt.. just calories. One battle at a time! It worked! Just hope it keeps working! Plus.. I found this really nice lady named Amy who lives close by.. maybe she and I can get out and be active together once in awhile and help motivate each other ;-)

  4. I love reading your blog so far! I am guilty of weighing myself every day, I get so excited about any losses but upset about a gain which may just be water weight or whatever and even themselves out by my weigh-in!
    Good for you for realizing your baby is more important than you being thin! I'm afraid there are more people out there than I care to think about that are more into themselves than the health of their babies.
    Good luck this week!
