I hope you like the new blog design. I know, it's nothing too fancy, but I'm super proud of myself for creating that banner up top all by my lonesome! :)
Anyway, today is the first "Thoughtful Thursday". If you're confused as to what that is, check out my new tab titled, "About me and the blog". I've created a schedule for the blog. Every Thursday I'll be writing about whatever is on my mind. And today that is...
Having a baby!
I mean, what else could possibly be running through my head now that I am officially a week overdue?! Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining here. I actually haven't minded being pregnant in the past week. Ironically I was more annoyed with being pregnant at 39 weeks that I am today at 41. I suppose that's because there is now a very clear end in sight. I have a midwife appointment tomorrow and my induction is scheduled for June 1st. That means that within one week from today, Dan and I will officially be referring to each other as "mommy" and "daddy". Hahaha. Oh, who would have ever thought that day would come.
What I am looking forward to:
1. Finally being able to see her sweet face. I know that I'll miss her kicks and squirms, but I've been dying to see what she looks like!
2. Getting to know her personality. My mom swears that she's going to be stubborn because she's refusing to come out of me. I promptly told her that I disagree since she's just so comfortable in there and doesn't actually know any better - I mean, who would actually want to leave the womb if they knew what kind of place the world is!? Plus, I'm a firm believer in that your children are what you affirm them to be and I don't want her to start out her life being known as "the stubborn one".
3. Seeing Dan in his new role as a father. The other day we were at the mall and this sweet little girl was walking by holding hands with her dad and she peeked around his legs and smiled right at Dan. He looked at me and said in the sweetest voice, "I want one!" I know he's going to be an amazing dad.
4. All the sewing and craft projects I get to do for her. I want to get started immediately, but I also want to wait and see what kinds of things she likes so I can make her things she'll play with and love to wear.
5. Teaching her to do crafts with me. Is it awful that I dream about this? I mean, I literally dream about sitting around the kitchen table doing crafts with her. Those are my favorite kinds of dreams. Obviously this won't happen for a while, but I really am looking forward to it.
6. Snuggling. I'm such a touchy person. I love hugs and I especially love snuggling with babies. :) I've really missed being able to give my nieces really great hugs in the past 5 months due to my emerging belly. Soon, I get to snuggle with my daughter and give my nieces those long overdue bear hugs that last 5 minutes each.
7. My feet no longer being swollen. Yep, for the past week my feet have not stopped swelling. Dan calls them block feet. If you press on them, the indent will stay there for at lest 30 seconds before they swell back up again.
8. No longer experiencing horrible pubic bone and back pain. This one's a no brainer. :)
Those are just a few of the things I am looking forward to the most. I can't wait to show you pictures of her! And, for good measure, here's a picture of me today at 41 weeks. Sorry for the crap photo. It was very difficult trying to take a self-portrait. Try not to gawk!
Until Next Time,
P.S. Tomorrow is Fotography Friday! So, if I don't have a baby tonight, check for that post!
Little girls are the best!!! You look great!!
ReplyDeleteYou did a fantastic job on your header Amy!!! Can't wait to see baby pics!
Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my pillows! Link your email to your profile girl, then I can email you back! :)