Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I bought a sewing machine a week ago in hopes of sewing special creations for our soon-to-be-baby and potentially starting an Etsy shop to sell my stuff. So far I’ve made about 14 burp cloths. Yes, 14. I hear that’s about what newborns need, but for a first time mom it seems like A LOT!

When I first learned to sew, it was on a 1947 Singer model. Yeah... OLD. Classic, simple, and sturdy. But, old, nonetheless. Sewing on my new machine is a completely different experience! Everything is digital and the needle automatically ends in the “up” position. Awesome and convenient.

However, I’ve broken and fixed the machine 2 times thus far. [Hey, at least I fixed it, right?!] That's more times than I've ever broken any machine in the 10 years since I've learned to sew. Don't know if that's a bad sign or not...

I went on a bit of a cloth buying spree today and bought enough to make 4 receiving blankets, some pillow cases, stuffed blocks, and a couple texture blankets. I already have some material to make a couple nursing covers and some scraps to make my nieces burp cloths for their baby dolls (for some reason they really wanted the burp cloths I made for our baby. They were fascinated. I really didn't understand what was so interesting about them, but toddlers are funny). I should be pretty busy for the next month. Keeping busy was my goal anyway, since the last trimester of pregnancy seems to drag on and on and on.

If I can get the hang of blogging, hopefully I will post new creations (or at least some inspirations) daily.

Also, everything I make is for sale. Everything can also be customized to your wants and needs. Just let me know! :)

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